Sometimes the unexpected is unexpectedly good...
In uncertain times like these it's easy to let our predictions about the future be negative.
A thing I'm reminding myself and my clients though is not to miss the positives that are and will come out of this current situations. Here's one observation...
I've been really inspired by what I've seen by a lot of parent's around me. I see them engaging with their kids in all sorts of new ways that they might normally do. They are seeing how their kids learn first hand. I saw lots of parents walking with their kids today at 4:00 pm and playing with their kids in the park when they probably would have been stuck in traffic. Kids are getting to see their parent's deal with work and stress in all new ways (which helps them learn how to deal with it themselves). I see stay-at home parent's knowledge, wisdom and experience being seen and honored in a whole new way that is way overdue.
All of this is building a generation that is resilient in a way that our generation didn't have to be until now and that is awesome. We might remember it as a time of stress but I bet a lot of kids are going to remember this as a very special time.
Just one observation of one of the positives in a shitty situation. Keep at it parents and let us know how us non-parents can help!